最近想找部近期的美劇來學英文,打開Netflix第一部推薦的就是艾蜜莉(Emily in Paris)在巴黎,看了幾集覺得內容除了貼近現代生活也很有趣,因此決定做為第二部練習英文的美劇。E第一集由艾蜜莉決定接受公司外派至巴黎工作揭開序幕,面對這個全世界最美麗、浪漫的城市,誰怎麼抵抗它的魅力呢?!
1.meditation (n) /ˌmed.əˈteɪ.ʃə/ 默念,冥想,沉思,深思
2.last hurrah (n) /ˌlæst həˈrɑː/ (卸任前的)最後一班崗,即將棒卸任的階段
3.fragrance (n) /ˈfreɪ.ɡrəns/ 芳香,香氣
4.floral (adj) /ˈflɔːr.əl/ 用花製成的
5.play off 加賽一場以決勝負
6.nauseous (adj) /ˈnɑː.ʃəs/ 感到噁心的,想嘔吐的
7.schlep (v) /ʃlep/ 拖;拉;推;費力地行進
8.flight (n) (通常指兩個樓層間的)一段樓梯,一段臺階
9.deep-dish pizza 芝加哥特色pizza,厚達5公分
10.specialty (n) /ˈspeʃ.əl.ti/ (地方)特産
11.quiche (n) /kiːʃ/ 法式鹹派
12.cement (n) /səˈment/ 水泥
13.obesity (n) /oʊˈbiː.sə.t̬i/ 肥胖
14.refinement (n) 文雅;高雅;有教養
15.endearment (n) 表示愛意的詞(或片語)
16.arrogant (n) /ˈær.ə.ɡənt/ 傲慢的;狂妄自大的;趾高氣揚的
1.step anyone's toes 冒犯他人
=ex: I don't want to step on your toes.
=ex: How can I communicate my feelins without stepping anyone's toes?
2.step into someone's shoes 接替職位
=ex: Mike stepped into his father's shoes when his father retired as a director.
=ex: You are stepping into my shoes.
3.walk off grand slam 再見大滿貫
=walk off 在棒球中指『再見比賽』的意思
=grand slam (體育比賽中贏得各項重要比賽的)大滿貫,全勝
=棒球賽事上常見到的還有walk off home run、walk off 再見全疊打、walk off hit再見安打
4.there goes your promotion 你正好失去升職的機會
5.take into consideration考慮到
=ex: This is one of the factors that we will take into consideration.
6.fake it till you make it. 弄假直到成真!
7.we are in the midst of an obesity epidemic.
=in the midst of 在~中間
8.They make a diabetes drugs that we marketed the hack out of.
=the hack out of 表示very.
9.kick in 起作用
=ex: It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in